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Pathway for Nansha's cooperation with HK, Macao highlighted at symposium



Aerial photo of Nansha district in Guangzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_nanshafabu]

A symposium was held in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region recently with a focus on exploring pathways for the opening-up of Nansha in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, in collaboration with Hong Kong and Macao, gathering officials and experts from the political, academic, and business sectors to discuss the development of Nansha.

Addressing the meeting, Liu Wei, Party secretary of Nansha district, highlighted the need to leverage the implementation of the Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao with Global Perspective ("Nansha Plan"), which was issued by the State Council in 2022, to systematically promote the mutual advancement of Nasha's role as seaport, airport, digital hub, financial hub, and talent hub to enhance the development level of the district.

In recent years, Nansha has been focusing on the "Five Major Tasks" outlined in the "Nansha Plan" to expand cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao.

Fang Zhou, research director of the One Country, Two Systems Research Institute in Hong Kong, suggested that Nansha should accelerate cooperation with Hong Kong in areas such as professional qualifications, rules for the service industry, goods, funds, information, data, and bioproducts.

Wang Chunxin, deputy head of Hong Kong's Chief Executive Policy Unit, called for allowing overseas companies in Hong Kong to provide international rules alignment services to enterprises in Nansha.

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