"Sunshine Roses", a grape variety in Make village in Dongchong town, Nansha district, have hit the market ahead of schedule, with prices lower than in previous years.
In addition to grapes, the "Four Seasons Fragrance" New Rural Demonstration Zone in Dongchong town also produces bananas, sugarcane, camphor trees, and osmanthus.
"Sunshine Roses" grapes. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_nanshafabu]
At the Make village homestead farm, thanks to a warm climate and science-based cultivation methods, "Sunshine Roses" are thriving in simple greenhouses. Jiang Hebing, the farm's manager, revealed that this year's "Sunshine Roses" have been hitting the market gradually since the end of May, with an expected yield of over 3,000 kilograms. To ensure sufficient sunlight, they have adopted sparse planting methods.
Nansha's rainy season has been longer than usual this year. However, through measures such as rainproof greenhouses and organic fertilizers, the farm has successfully maintained the yield of "Sunshine Roses". Yield and market demand are ensured through community group purchases and wholesale channels.
Within the demonstration zone where Make village is located, a rich agricultural scene is on display. Each village has its own unique features, such as Make village's orchards, Xili village's flower and seedling base, and Wanzhou village's popular tourist spot, Meiku Ranch.
Xili village flower and seedling base. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_nanshafabu]
These rural areas offer a variety of recreational activities such as fruit picking, fishing, and study tours, giving residents from Nansha and surrounding cities the chance to experience the farming life.