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Blueprint to promote high-quality development of Nansha


Nansha announced its plans of high-quality development at Guangzhou High-Quality Development Conference on Feb 19.

Nansha has delineated its economic development objectives for the year 2024, aiming for a robust growth rate of over 7 percent in gross regional product, a fixed asset investment totaling 134 billion yuan ($18.6 billion), and a notable surge of 28 percent in industrial investment.

To achieve the target, the district plans to implement the master plan of Nansha, exerting the functions of major strategic platforms, which means deepening cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, strengthening science and vocational qualifications, and operating Chinese enterprises "going global" comprehensive service base.

Nansha plans to push industrial innovation by promoting scientific and technological innovation. Specifically, develop the Nansha Science City by constructing Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Innovation Zone. Nansha will build up the International Advanced Technology Application Promotion Centre, and develop related carriers.

The district will establish a new energy vehicle base, and accelerate the settlement of high-end marine equipment base of China state shipbuilding corporation. Meanwhile, it will explore new important fields, including artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and biomedicine. Additionally, Nansha will focus on promoting major projects to achieve an increase of more than 150 billion yuan in three years.

Nansha also plans to enhance the level of international shipping and trade hub, deepening the construction of the national import trade promotion innovation demonstration zone, and propelling the full resumption of Nansha International Cruise Home Port.

The district aims to build a first-class business and living environment by introducing a series of policies, fully releasing the 15 percent enterprise income tax concessions and other policy stacking effect, as well as Introduce 10 or more new projects with a total investment or output value of over 10 billion yuan each.

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