
Notice on Issuing the Supporting Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Financial Industry in Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Nansha Area of Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone)


Normative Document No 11 [2023] of the Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality

Notice on Issuing the Supporting Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Financial Industry in Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Nansha Area of Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone)

All towns (subdistricts), departments of and agencies directly under Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone (Nansha District),

The Supporting Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Financial Industry in Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Nansha Area of Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone) has been approved by the Administrative Committee of Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality and Nansha District People's Government and is hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Problems encountered in the implementation shall be directly reported to Financial Affairs Bureau of Nansha Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality.

Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality

Office of Nansha District People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality

October 15, 2023

Supporting Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Financial Industry in Guangzhou Nansha New Area (Nansha Area of Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone)

These Measures are formulated to fulfill the principles proposed in the Overall Plan for Promoting Comprehensive Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao by Further Deepening Opening-up in Nansha District of Guangzhou, realize the goal of building a major strategic platform with global perspective that is based on the Greater Bay Area and in collaboration with Hong Kong and Macao, develop special financial industries, enhance the attractiveness of running business activities in Nansha to financial enterprises and propel the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter referred to as "the GBA") as a hub for international shipping, finance and scientific and technological innovation.

Article 1 Settlement reward

For newly introduced financial enterprises, a reward of maximum 50 million yuan will be granted for each enterprise according to specified conditions such as the enterprise type and the contribution to Nansha's economic development.

Article 2 Reward for operation contribution

According to specified conditions such as the enterprise type, the contribution to Nansha's economic development and policy convergence, financial enterprises will be given a reward of maximum 100% of their contribution to Nansha's economic development within the validity period of the policy.

Article 3 Office space subsidy

For financial enterprises that settle in the Mingzhu Financial Innovation Cluster, a rent-free subsidy for maximum three years will be granted. For financial enterprises that rent office space for their physical operation, an annual subsidy of maximum 50 yuan/square meter/month for three consecutive years will be granted. The annual subsidy shall not exceed three million yuan;

For financial enterprises that buy office space for their physical operation, a purchase subsidy of maximum 2,000 yuan/square meter will be granted. The subsidy shall not exceed 10 million yuan.

Article 4 Upgrade reward

For financial enterprises that develop and grow after settlement in Nansha and have been rated as Fortune Global 500 enterprises, Top 1000 in the Forbes Global 2000 Enterprises, Top 500 Enterprises of China or Fintech 100 Enterprises for the first time, a reward of maximum 20 million yuan for each enterprise will be granted.

Article 5 Reward for capital and share increase

Qualified and licensed legal financial institutions are encouraged to increase capital and shares. According to specified conditions such as the new paid-in capital, a cumulative reward of maximum 10 million yuan for each enterprise will be granted.

Article 6 Settlement reward

A subsidy of maximum 10 million yuan will be allocated annually to support financial institutions and service agencies that have settled in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Insurance Service Center and provide services, maximum 500,000 yuan for each organization.

Article 7 Support for special businesses

1. Support for cross-border financial business. For enterprises that have set up settlement centers in Nansha and whose group settlement centers engage in cross-border settlement business through banks in Nansha, or enterprises that engage in cross-border capital pools in domestic and foreign currencies, FT full-function capital pools, cross-border financial asset transactions, domestic investment of qualified foreign limited partners (hereinafter referred to as "QFLP"), overseas investment of qualified domestic limited partners (QDLP), RMB overseas investment or loan business, a reward of maximum two million yuan for each enterprise will be granted according to specified conditions such as the business nature and business scale.

2. Support for green finance business. For financial institutions that engage in green leasing or green factoring, or enterprises that issue green asset securitized products, a reward of maximum two million yuan for each enterprise will be granted according to specified conditions such as the business scale and business nature.

3. Support for financial leasing. For project companies (SPV) that are specially established for the operation of specific projects or businesses in bonded areas and engage in aviation, aerospace or shipping leasing, a reward of maximum 95% of their contribution to Nansha's economic development will be granted each. The reward period shall be determined by agreement according to the term of the lease contract.

Article 8 Support for industrial linkage

1. Support for equity investment. For equity investment enterprises that actually invest in the entity enterprises in Nansha in the form of equity, a reward of maximum 10 million yuan for each enterprise will be granted. For foreign investment that QFLPs have actually utilized for domestic investment, an additional cross-border equity investment reward will be granted, maximum five million yuan per enterprise.

2. Subsidy for financing service. For commercial factoring companies that provide industrial chain and supply chain financing for micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "MSMEs") in Nansha, a subsidy of maximum one million yuan for each enterprise will be granted according to specified conditions such as the nature of projects, the number of projects and the amount of project investment.

3. Subsidy for insurance. For insurance companies that provide prescribed insurance services for enterprises in Nansha, a subsidy of maximum one million yuan for each insurance company will be granted according to specified conditions such as the actual insurance premium.

4. Support for application promotion. Fintech enterprises are encouraged for independent research and development and the construction of supply chain financial service platforms. For fintech enterprises and supply chain financial service platforms, a reward of maximum four million yuan will be granted according to specified conditions such as the project progress, cost and business scale.

Article 9 Support for IPO

For reserve enterprises for IPO that obtain IPO financing in domestic and foreign capital markets, a reward of maximum 13 million yuan will be granted according to the IPO stage and IPO type. For listed enterprises that move to Nansha for the first time, a reward of maximum 10 million yuan will be granted. For equity incentives of listed enterprises, a reward of maximum 100% of their contribution to Nansha's economic development will be granted.

Article 10 Support for direct financing

For entities in Nansha that refinance or issue bonds or securitized products in the capital market, a reward of maximum six million yuan for each enterprise will be granted according to specified conditions such as the financing scale, financing method and actual issuance costs.

Article 11 Support for indirect financing

A credit risk compensation fund pool with maximum 100 million yuan for MSMEs will be set up to provide risk compensation for operating loans granted to MSMEs and self-employed individuals.

Article 12 Support for M&A and reorganization

For enterprises that are listed outside the enterprise M&A and holding area or NEEQ-listed enterprises, a reward of maximum five million yuan for each M&A project will be granted according to specified conditions such as the M&A transaction amount and the enterprise type.

Article 13 Support for service platforms

Each year, Nansha's competent financial department shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of financial service institutions based on the actual needs of their work. A reward of maximum one million yuan for each organization will be granted according to the assessment result.

Article 14 Rewards for characteristic financial innovation

1. Reward for characteristic innovation. For financial regulatory departments and finance-related organizations that make various innovations in financial business, a reward of maximum two million yuan for each project will be granted.

2. Reward for innovative applications. For projects independently developed by fintech enterprises, digital RMB application scenarios, product research and development and system platforms that have been selected for innovation pilot or as cases at or above the municipal level, a reward of maximum three million yuan for each project will be granted.

3. Ancillary reward for funds. For financial institutions that innovatively offer inclusive finance, rural finance and digital finance services and have received financial support from superior authorities, an ancillary reward of maximum three million yuan for each project will be granted.

Article 15 Support for high-quality financial events

For the events that are sponsored by registered financial enterprises, professional organizations or industry associations, have a certain influence and benefit high-quality financial development in Nansha, a subsidy of maximum 95% of the exhibition, publicity and venue expenses actually incurred will be granted according to specified conditions such as the event scale, event level and event duration, maximum 1 million yuan per event per organization.

Article 16 Supplementary provisions

1. Financial talents will be supported in accordance with Nansha's talent policy.

2. If the same project meets the criteria for the subsidy or reward specified in these Measures and other supporting policies of Nansha (including the policy requiring Nansha District to grant auxiliary subsidy or reward), the highest subsidy or reward shall prevail and shall be granted only once, unless otherwise stipulated. For projects with important leading effects or functions, specific circumstances shall be considered. No subsidy or reward shall be granted to entities involved in dishonesty, violation of laws and regulations or violation of commitments.

3. Enterprises settled in Nansha between January 1, 2023 and the date when these Measures are issued shall be subject to these Measures. For enterprises or projects that have not been granted the subsidy or reward specified in the old financial support policy (including enterprises to be supported in accordance with relevant procedures and whose continuous funds are still being granted), the subsidy or reward specified in the old financial support policy shall be granted. Newly applied subsidy or reward shall be subject to these Measures.

4. These Measures shall enter into force from the date of issuance and shall be valid for five years. Where there is any change or adjustment to relevant laws, regulations, or policies within the validity term of these Measures, such change or adjustment shall prevail.

Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure

Issued by the Secretariat of the Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality on October 16, 2023

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