
Implementation Plan for Admitting Elderly People from Hong Kong and Macao to Live in Public Elderly Care Institutions in Nansha District of Guangzhou


Normative Document No 1 [2023] of Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality

Notice by Nansha District Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Admitting Elderly People from Hong Kong and Macao to Live in Public Elderly Care Institutions in Nansha District of Guangzhou

Departments directly under Nansha district and all towns (street communities),

The Implementation Plan for Admitting Elderly People from Hong Kong and Macao to Live in Public Elderly Care Institutions in Nansha District of Guangzhou has been approved by Nansha district people's government and is hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Problems encountered in the implementation should be directly reported to Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality.

Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality

April 4, 2023

Implementation Plan for Admitting Elderly People from Hong Kong and Macao to Live in Public Elderly Care Institutions in Nansha District of Guangzhou

According to the requirement that "public elderly care institutions in Nansha shall increase the proportion of beds for non-residents and pilot programs shall be carried out to qualify Hong Kong and Macao residents to apply" specified in the Notice by the State Council on Issuing the Overall Plan for Promoting Comprehensive Cooperation Among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao by Further Deepening Opening-up in Nansha District of Guangzhou (Normative Document No 13 [2022] of the State Council) and relevant provisions of the Management Measures for Admission Evaluation and Waiting of Public Elderly Care Institutions in Guangzhou, this Plan is formulated to gradually open the exclusive waiting access for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao to be admitted by public elderly care institutions in Nansha in light of the realities of Nansha district.

I. Objective

This plan aims to fully implement the spirit of the Notice by the State Council on Issuing the Overall Plan for Promoting Comprehensive Cooperation Among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao by Further Deepening Opening-up in Nansha District of Guangzhou (Normative Document No 13 [2022] of the State Council), strengthen services for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao, enhance the appeal of elderly care institutions in Nansha for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao, and increase the proportion of beds that public elderly care institutions in Nansha provide for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao.

II. Working principles

Public elderly care institutions should prioritize elderly care service needs of local residents in Nansha. To meet the needs of local senior people, as arranged by Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality, an exclusive waiting channel to public elderly care institutions in Nansha will be opened to eligible elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao, and certain proportion of beds of public elderly care institutions in Nansha will be designated for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao. The first batch of designated beds is offered at nursing homes in Nansha and other public elderly care institutions will be gradually designated according to the actual needs.

III. Bed management

The first batch of designated beds for elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao should not exceed 50 in total. Most beds are nursing beds. Special beds will be gradually increased according to the actual needs, while meeting the needs of local elderly residents.

IV. Admission Criteria

Elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao who meet all the following criteria can apply for waiting to live in public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou:

(I) Those are aged 60 or above;

(II) Those who are free from infectious diseases or whose infectious diseases have been cured or have been diagnosed as non-infectious by hospitals specializing in infectious diseases.

(III) Those who do not suffer from serious mental disorders and have not committed any act that harms themselves or other people's safety or will not harm themselves or other people's safety.

(IV) Immediate family members of Hong Kong and Macao people who have been working in Nansha district of Guangzhou (for more than six consecutive months) and their spouses or elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao whose habitual residence is in Nansha district of Guangzhou (for more than six consecutive months).

V. Application for waiting for admission

(I) Pre-evaluation

Applicants should have their nursing needs comprehensively evaluated before applying for waiting for admission, and specific evaluation and charging criteria will be set according to relevant regulations of Guangzhou on the comprehensive evaluation and management of elderly care needs.

Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality is responsible for overall planning, coordinating and managing the evaluation and waiting for admitting elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao to live in public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou, and also the verification of their eligibility. Nansha district community service center of Guangzhou municipality should entrust a qualified third-party evaluation agency for pre-evaluation based on the unified comprehensive evaluation criteria for elderly care needs set by Guangzhou. Operating agencies of public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou should take charge of admission evaluation.

(II) Application

1. Applicants should submit the application form (which can be downloaded from the official website of Nansha district people's government of Guangzhou municipality or obtained through telephone consultation) and relevant documents for qualification examination. Applicants may delegate their legal dependents, guardians, other relatives, or other organizations or individuals that voluntarily bear their expenses in public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou as their agents. Agents should provide relevant authorization documents.

2. Applicants should provide physical examination report and medical history issued by medical institutions with physical examination qualification in Guangzhou within two months prior to the admission evaluation. Physical examination should include chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, overall biochemical tests (including liver function, kidney function, blood sugar, etc.), and infectious disease screening (including tuberculosis, syphilis and viral hepatitis). Those who have suffered from infectious diseases should also present diagnosis conclusions issued by hospitals specializing in infectious diseases that indicate that their infectious diseases have been cured or are not infectious, excluding the circumstances specified in IV (II) and (III) herein.

3. Hong Kong and Macao people working in Nansha district of Guangzhou should provide relevant documents, including work experience (labor contract), appointment document, and letter of commitment.

(III) Examination

Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should complete preliminary examination within five working days after receiving application documents from applicants. The eligible list should be published on the official website of Nansha district people's government of Guangzhou municipality for seven working days for public supervision. Those who do not meet the criteria should be given a written explanation for application dismissed. If applicants have any objection to the result of qualification examination, they should apply for review to Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality within five working days from the date of delivery of the written explanation for application dismissed. Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should complete the review within five working days after receiving the application for review, and notify applicants of the result in writing. The result of the review made by Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should be final.

After verification and confirmation by Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality and public supervision, qualified applicants will be put on the waiting list. Immediate family members of Hong Kong and Macao people who have been working in Nansha district of Guangzhou for more than six consecutive months and their spouses will be put on the preferential waiting list. Elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao whose habitual residence is in Nansha district of Guangzhou and who have lived here for more than six consecutive months will be put on the general waiting list. Applicants that on the same waiting list will be ranked according to the level of their nursing needs. Those who have the same-level nursing needs will be ranked according to their application time.

 (IV) Admission

1. Public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou should notify applicants by telephone, text message, etc. within two days after receiving the approval notice from Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality, and applicants should accept admission evaluation within five days after receiving the notice from the elderly care institutions. In principle, applicants should accept admission evaluation in public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou. If there are special circumstances and home-based admission evaluation is required, applicants should consult with public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou. Public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou should establish individual evaluation files for applicants.

2. Applicants who have any objection to the evaluation result should raise it on site, and public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou should assist on application for review to Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality. Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should entrust a third-party agency to contact applicants and complete the review within five working days from the next day after receiving the application for review. Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality will notify applicants and public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou in writing of the review result. The review result made by Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should be final.

3. Public elderly care institutions in Nansha should notify applicants of admission in order of the time they have completed their admission evaluation. Applicants should check in within two days after receiving the evaluation result.

VI. Withdrawal

Applicants will be disqualified from living in the public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou after moving in under any of the following circumstances:

(I) According to the evaluation of public elderly care institutions in Nansha district of Guangzhou, applicants need continuous medical care, which is beyond the services and capabilities of the elderly care institutions;

(II) Applicants or their immediate family members refuse to pay their elderly care fees for up to three months;

(III) Applicants violate regulations of the elderly care institutions and cause harm or damage to other people or the environment;

(IV) Applicants ask the elderly care institutions for leave for more than two months in a year;

(V) Applicants violate the agreement with the elderly care institutions.

VII. Supervision and Safeguard

(I) Applicants and their agents should be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and legality of application documents and declaration information. Applicants who have been found to have filled in false information or submitted false documents should be disqualified from waiting for admission.

(II) Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality should manage the "evaluation, application, examination and waiting" of elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao; Public elderly care institutions in Nansha should register and manage elderly people from Hong Kong and Macao who have been admitted through Guangzhou comprehensive information management platform for elderly care services.

(III) Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality, other administrative departments and public elderly care institutions in Nansha should keep the personal information of applicants confidential.

VIII. Other matters

(I) "Serious mental disorders" in this plan refer to schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, paranoid psychosis, bipolar (affective) disorder, mental disorders caused by epilepsy, and mental retardation accompanied by mental disorders.

(II) "Comprehensive evaluation of elderly care needs" in this plan refers to the activities of evaluating the capacities, medical care and disease of senior people aged 60 or above living in Nansha, Guangzhou according to the requirements of Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality in order to determine their capacities and nursing needs.

(III) This plan should enter into force from the date of issuance and should be valid for three years. In case of any change in relevant laws or policies, such change should prevail.

Form of disclosure: Active Disclosure

Issued by the office of Nansha district bureau of civil affairs of Guangzhou municipality on April 7, 2023

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