Ten Measures of Guangzhou Nansha New Area for Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation

Updated: 2022-11-15nansha.guangdong.chinadaily.com.cn

Normative Document No 6 [2022] of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality

Notice of Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality and Office of Nansha District People's Government on Issuing the Ten Measures of Guangzhou Nansha New Area for Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation

All towns (street communities), departments of and agencies directly under the Nansha Development Zone (Nansha district), and municipal entities in Nansha district,

Ten Measures of Guangzhou Nansha New Area for Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation have been approved by the administrative committee and the district government, and are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Problems encountered in the implementation shall be directly reported to the Nansha district bureau of science and technology.

Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality

Office of Nansha district people's government of Guangzhou Municipality

Aug 29, 2022

Ten Measures of Guangzhou Nansha New Area for Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation

In order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerate the transformation of Nansha into an important support area of the GBA International Science and Technology Innovation Center, a major support area of the GBA Comprehensive National Science Center, and a hub of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and attract more high-end resources and talents of sci-tech innovation with preferential policies, these Measures are formulated in light of the reality of Nansha district.

Article 1 Housing allowance. A high-level sci-tech innovation talent will be granted a housing allowance of up to 10 million yuan ($1 million).

Article 2 Team subsidy. A high-level talent team project that is aligned with the key industrial development direction of the district will be granted a reward of up to 100 million yuan.

Article 3 Subsidy for new R&D institutions. A new R&D institution will be given a subsidy of up to 100 million yuan during its construction period.

Article 4 Subsidy for sci-tech innovation platforms. Each major sci-tech innovation platform will be given financial support of up to 200 million yuan. Major sci-tech infrastructure projects approved by the competent municipal, provincial, and State-level authorities will be given funds according to the same standards as those of the municipal support policies.

Article 5 R&D reward. Enterprises will be encouraged to increase their investment in R&D, a one-off reward will be given to cover up to 10 percent of their R&D expenditures, subject to a maximum amount of 10 million yuan.

Article 6 Project support. Each year, a total of 100 million yuan will be allocated to support R&D activities such as making breakthroughs in core technologies and tackling technical problems for enterprises, subject to a maximum amount of 10 million yuan per project.

Article 7 Financial support. A 2-billion-yuan venture capital guidance fund and a credit risk compensation fund pool for sci-tech SMEs will be established, and a reward of up to 10 million yuan will be given to equity investment enterprises investing in sci-tech enterprises in the seed stage and initial stage in Nansha district.

Article 8 Talent subsidy. High-level sci-tech innovation talents will be granted a talent subsidy for five years. The annual subsidy they receive shall not exceed their economic contribution in the previous year.

Article 9 Green card treatment. High-level sci-tech innovation talents will be issued Talent's Green Card of Guangzhou Municipality, which allow them to enjoy the treatment equal to Guangzhou citizens without changing their registered residence or identities.

Article 10 Public services. A sci-tech innovation talent service station will be set up to provide one-stop and all-around services for these talents and their immediate family members, covering residence, household registration, housing, employment of spouses, schooling of children, medical treatment, business, taxation, and scientific research.

These measures shall come into force from the date of promulgation, and shall remain in force for three years.

Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure

Office of the Administrative Committee of Nansha Development Zone of Guangzhou Municipality issued on Aug 29, 2022.

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