
Nansha tops China's FTZs in institutional innovation


The Institute of Free Trade Zones of Sun Yat-sen University released the 2021-2022 China Pilot Free Trade Zone Institutional Innovation Index, in which Nansha topped the list.

The index is comprised of the relevant research results made in the institute's comprehensive evaluation of the institutional innovation effect of China's pilot free trade zones for seven consecutive years.

The average overall score of institutional innovation in the 54 free trade zones across the country was 76.7 points this year, an increase from last year's 75.84 points.

Nansha ranked in the top 10 in the country in terms of the system innovation index score.

For the trade facilitation and investment liberalization indexes, Nansha ranked first, while it is ranking in the transformation of government functions and law-based environment indexes rose from third to second compared with last year. It also maintained its ranking in financial reform and innovation at third.

Since 2013, 21 pilot free trade zones have been established across the country, while 278 institutional innovation achievements have been replicated and promoted across the country. The pilot free trade zones have contributed 17.3 percent of the country's total import and export volume while taking up less than four percent of the country's land area. They have also attracted 18.5 percent of the country's total foreign capital.


The Nansha area of the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone. [Photo/WeChat account: nanshafabu]

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